dimanche 22 février 2009

A human resources policy focused on key values

The key principles guiding the Carrefour group’s human resources policy can be expressed through the company’s seven core values. The fact that these values are shared by all group employees gives even greater coherence to their implementation across all our companies.
Seven values, seven common points of reference:

We respect our customers’ freedom of choice through the variety of our store formats and the diversity of the products and brands we sell.We give consumers the freedom to buy at prices consistent with their purchasing power.We provide the largest possible number of people with the opportunity to purchase consumer goods.We empower all our employees to take initiative and give them the freedom to act as entrepreneurs.
2/ Responsibility

We fully accept the consequences of our actions on our customers, company, employees, institutions and the environment.
3/ Sharing

We leverage our expertise and strengths to create value, which is shared among customers, employees, shareholders, partners and suppliers.
4/ Respect

We respect our employees, suppliers and customers.We listen to them and accept their differences.Wherever we do business, we understand and respect the lifestyles, practices, cultures and interests of all our stakeholders.
5/ Integrity

We respect our commitments and keep our word.We deal honestly with customers, employees and suppliers.We demonstrate this integrity both individually and collectively.
6/ Solidarity

Carrefour does business, we help to develop the local economy, create jobs, provide training and fight exclusion.We apply fair trade practices by promoting the sharing of value.We also express solidarity within our group, regardless of our profession, function or banner.
7/ Progress

We support progress and the development of new technologies to serve the needs of people.As perpetual pioneers, we embrace change and encourage innovation.

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